India Bharatpur

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Great White Egret landing

Pond Heron with fish

Pond Heron fishing

Indian Darter at dawn

Indian Darter with fish

Purple Gallinule running

Purple Gallinule

Purple Heron in flight

Purple Heron

Grey Heron Landing

Comb Duck at Sunset

Comb Duck landing

Spot-Billed Duck taking off

White-throated Kingfisher

Sarus Crane pair

Painted Stork feeding

Painted Stork flight

Black Necked Stork

Lesser Whistling Ducks

Lesser Whistling Duck flight

Pygmy Cormorant drying wings

Cormorant taking off

Booted Eagle

Black-shouldered Kite

Crested Serpent Eagle with snake

Shikra calling

Red-wattled Lapwing flight

Asian Pied Starling

Rose-ringed Parakeet

Oriental Magpie-robin

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