India North

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Steppe Eagle

Cinereous Vulture

Indian Skimmer skimming

Pied Kingfisher

Black-rumped Flameback Woodpecker

Rose-ringed Parakeet line up

Peacocks roost

Shoveler with reflected Cranes

Great Cormorant with fish

Spotted Owlet pair

Demoiselle Cranes and watertower

Demoiselle Cranes pre dawn

Demoiselle Cranes sunrise

Demoiselle Cranes flock

Demoiselle Crane

Demoiselle Cranes flock

Demoiselle Cranes flock

Bengal Tiger female

Bengal Tiger female bathing

Bengal Tiger Male

Bengal Tiger male

Sloth Bear

Indian Elephant ceromonial paint

Gharial Crocodile

Gharial Crocodile

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